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How much does it cost?

School fees

The eco-school is a school with no public or private subsidies: its only resources are the school fees paid by families. The school is part of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE): its primary objective is to provide the best possible framework for the development and work of children and teaching staff.

As part of its solidarity-based model, the eco-school offers fees based on the family quota. This takes into account not only income, but also the number of children and the marital status of the parents. Regardless of their rate band, all families have access to the same quality of services, have the same rights and have the same duties.


Tuition fees are :

-Annual registration fee: €130

-Monthly tuition fees (over 12 months): these are calculated on the basis of your family income.


-Solidarity grant: €30 per month to help finance the most economically disadvantaged families.

Tuition fees are fixed over 12 months to allow families to smooth out their expenses and pay lower fees than over 10 months. 


Part-time schooling

Half-time schooling is possible in the following cases:
-to allow children to integrate gradually, especially the youngest ones.
Children are accepted for half-time periods: either every morning (8.30am-11.30am) or every afternoon (1.30pm-4.30pm). 
Tuition fees remain the same as for full-time attendance, provided a place is available. However, if two families wish to share a place, they can contact each other and work out an arrangement. Ideally: if it is not split into mornings and afternoons, the half-time will be shared by 2 families on Monday/Tuesday for family 1 and at the weekend for family 2. The solidarity grant remains a monthly due.


Partnership with the micro-crèche

For the youngest children (aged 2), it is possible to reserve a place at the "les bout'chous" micro-crèche in the same enclosure and to envisage a gradual start to the school year (1-3 days a week). Here is the link to the micro-crèche (CAF assistance available): here.

In this case, the school fees will be as follows:

Level 1 :

For 1 day/week: €67.5/month

For 2 days/week: €135/month

For 3 days/week: €202.5/month

Level 2 : 

For 1 day/week: €87.5/month

For 2 days/week: €175/month

For 3 days/week: €262.5/month



Solidarity grant

Each family, regardless of its family quotient and the class in which the child is enrolled, contributes €30/month (in addition to the monthly tuition fees) to finance a bursary for children from low-income families. 


After-school activities

After-school care is provided by the micro-crèche. Download the document here.


Wednesdays and school holidays

You can enrol your children at the Besayes public leisure centre, which offers activities for children on Wednesdays and during the school holidays. 


Family tax credit

The eco-school reserves places for companies so that they can offer childcare for their employees' children that is adapted to their working hours. To finance the schooling of their employees' children, companies can take advantage of the Family Tax Credit (for 2-3 year olds only) or a deduction from their corporation tax. Ask your chartered accountant for more information. 

Level 1
Family quota between 0 and 1000

There are no more places available for the start of the school year in September 2024.

Level 2
Family quota from €1001

Other useful information


Every morning, parents bring a hot or cold meal (in a thermos) for their child(ren) to eat.


A meal delivery service provided by the EHPAD is available for parents who so wish. Download menus. Book your meal here.








The school filed its declaration of opening with the education authority in May 2024. The opening of the school is subject to a prior declaration to the Rector, who forwards it to the Mayor, the Public Prosecutor and the Prefect. Each of these 4 authorities has a period of 3 months in which to oppose the opening of the school on one of the following grounds:

-Public order or the protection of children and young people;
-The criminal record, qualifications, nationality or professional experience of the person running the establishment, or of the person opening it;
-The non-academic or non-technical nature of the establishment.



How do i register ?

Step 1: pre-register here

Step 2: once you have spoken to the team, fill in your registration form

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