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Enseignement bilingue anglais : Montessori et Reggio Emilia

3 pedagogies for the future

At our center, creativity and exploration are at the forefront of learning. We believe that every child is a natural artist and thinker, capable of expressing themselves in myriad ways. Our curriculum is designed to ignite curiosity and encourage self-expression through art, music, and hands-on activities.


By integrating the principles of Reggio Emilia, Montessori and Design for change, we create a world of learning that values the child's voice and promotes an understanding of the world through their eyes.

Inspiring toddlers through the Reggio Emilia approach

At the heart of our toddler program lies the Reggio Emilia philosophy, a child-centered approach that views young learners as individuals full of potential, capable of constructing their own learning journeys. Our environment acts as the "third teacher," richly designed with natural light, open spaces, and materials that invite curiosity and exploration. We believe in the power of self-expression and communication, encouraging toddlers to use language, art, and play as tools for understanding the world around them. Through close observation and listening, our educators tailor experiences to the emerging interests of each child, fostering a sense of wonder and a deep love for discovery. This nurturing setting allows toddlers to develop confidence, social skills, and a profound sense of belonging in a community of learners.

Cultivating independence with the Montessori method for toddlers

Our Montessori program for toddlers is designed to cultivate independence, respect, and a natural love for learning from an early age. In our carefully prepared environment, every element is scaled to the child's size and abilities, from furniture to learning materials, fostering a sense of autonomy and belonging. We provide a variety of sensory-rich activities and practical life exercises that encourage toddlers to explore, manipulate, and discover at their own pace, guided by their innate curiosity. Our educators, trained in the Montessori philosophy, observe and gently guide each child, respecting their individual learning path and pace. This approach not only nurtures cognitive and motor skills but also promotes emotional and social development, laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning and personal growth.

Empowering young innovators with Design for Change

Incorporating the dynamic principles of the Design for Change (DFC) methodology, our educational approach is centered around empowering children to believe that they can be agents of change in their world.


Our learning environment is crafted to inspire action, empathy, and collaborative problem-solving.


By engaging in real-world challenges, children learn to apply critical thinking and creativity to develop innovative solutions. Our spaces are not just physical settings but incubators for ideas, where every learner is encouraged to take initiative, reflect on their impact, and embark on a journey of self-improvement and societal contribution.


Our educators are more than teachers; they are facilitators of change, guiding each child to discover their potential to shape a better future.

How does bilingual immersion work in practice?

The children learn in English in half of the daily classroom activities, supervised by a teacher who speaks to them in English and a teacher who speaks French/English, to enable them to adapt gradually.

At the same time, activities in English are gradually building immersion: songs and rituals become systematic from the beginning of the year.

Pupils continue to express themselves in French at first, then gradually slip into the target language.
The objective of bilingualism is a goal throughout the child's school career.

Children learn to read in their mother tongue. Montessori pedagogy proposes a phonological approach based on the language spoken in the family or at home.

Fille avec Tresses

Who set up the school?

After 12 years as a project manager in the humanitarian sector, Héléna founded four educational structures:


Philosoph'art, philosophy and art workshops for children 

Les Petits Plus: nursery school, day-care centre and parental coworking 


Entrepreneur éducatif: online training agency for educational entrepreneurs

Odyssée Learning, an online training creation agency 

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The school is being set up with the support of Jean-pierre, a former headmaster in the French national education system. Jean-pierre taught modern literature before taking the competitive examination to become a headmaster. Having spent his entire career working in international French lycées, he has a thorough understanding of French school regulations and the efficient way to run a school, and will initially be co-directing the school.

Meet our teachers



Montessori Teacher

After working for 4 years in Marseille as a psychomotrician, Johanna moved to Scotland in 2020.
Curious to observe different teaching methods and a new approach to psychomotricity in an Anglo-Saxon country, she was also able to improve her English and discover the nature of the Highlands. 
When she became the mother of a little boy, she trained in Montessori teaching methods via "Tout Montessori en France". She then went on to teach at the Casa Montessori School in Edinburgh.
As soon as she returned to the Drôme, she joined the eco-school team and taught Montessori to children in English.



Montessori & Reggio Teacher

Anne is an experienced Montessori educator, with over thirty years' experience, and a young children's educator (EJE) who was formerly in charge of a day nursery in Valence. Passionate about Montessori education, which she studied in Dublin, she wants to help set up an innovative intergenerational project. She will be responsible for running the school. Her professional career led her to help set up the Montessori school in Valence. A researcher in educational science, Anne seeks to respond to the needs and curiosity of each child. She attaches particular importance to observing the developmental phases of each child and preparing the right environment for them to flourish. Fascinated by the Reggio Emilia pedagogy, Anne is enthusiastic about the idea of applying it to the eco-school.

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