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Registrations possible for September 2024


Eco-School focused on sustainable learning in (Besayes) Valence-Romans agglomeration

For children aged 2 to 6

For the youngest children (aged 2), it is possible to reserve a place at the "les bout'chous" micro-crèche in the same enclosure and to envisage a gradual start to the school year (1 or 2 days a week).

Ongoing enrolment for children aged 2 and over

Our programs

At Eco-School, we offer a variety of programs designed to nurture your child's development.


Our curriculum is centered around the methodologies of Design for Change, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia, and we incorporate nature-based learning into all of our programs.

Maternelle bilingue dans la drôme

Indoor Learning

In our unique toddler program, we harmoniously blend the Montessori and Reggio Emilia philosophies to create an enriching environment that nurtures every aspect of a child's development.


Our spaces are thoughtfully designed to encourage independence and exploration, with Montessori materials that are carefully selected to support the developmental stages of toddlers, allowing them to learn through hands-on experiences at their own pace.


Simultaneously, we embrace the Reggio Emilia approach's emphasis on creativity, expression, and the importance of the environment as a teacher. By integrating these methodologies, we offer a dynamic setting where toddlers can engage in self-directed learning and creative projects, fostering their natural curiosity and desire to understand the world around them.


Our educators act as guides and collaborators, respecting each child's individuality while fostering a sense of community and interconnectedness, ensuring a holistic approach to early childhood education.

Outdoor Learning

🌿 At Eco-School, we integrate nature-based learning with transformative Design for Change pedagogy, specifically tailored for young learners.

Our outdoor curriculum allows children to engage with their natural environment through hands-on projects, fostering their role as agents of positive change.

For example, in the 'Little Gardeners for the Earth' programme, children help to create sustainable gardens and learn about biodiversity and ecosystems.

What's more, as an eco-conscious institution within a nursing home, we facilitate intergenerational activities. Residents, armed with their wisdom, take an active part in the life of our community, fostering mutual respect and empathy between the generations.

Imagine shared reading sessions, where stories bridge the gaps between ages, nurturing moments of connection and knowledge transfer. These exchanges reinforce our belief in the value of intergenerational dialogue and collective learning.

At Eco-School, we embrace diverse learning experiences that empower children to thrive in harmony with their environment and community. 🌍💚


#NatureBasedLearning #DesignForChange #IntergenerationalDialogue

Ferme pédagogique avec des poneys
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